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Great Friendship Quotes
I don't like to commit myself about Heaven and Hell, you see, I have friends in both places.
Mark Twain
When we fully understand the brevity of life, its fleeting joys and unavoidable pains; when we accept the facts that all men and women are approaching an inevitable doom: the consciousness of it should make us more kindly and considerate of each other. This feeling should make men and women use their best efforts to help their fellow travelers on the road, to make the path brighter and easier as we journey on. It should bring a closer kinship, a better understanding, and a deeper sympathy for the wayfarers who must live a common life and die a common death.
Clarence Darrow
He will never have true friends who is afraid of making enemies.
William Hazlitt
There is no friendship that cares about an overheard secret.
Alexandre Dumas
Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none.
Thomas Jefferson
The holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money.
Mark Twain
I don't want to be your friend, baby. I am your friend.
Ernest Hemingway
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Women's Health
How to Get Rid Of Unwanted Body Hair By Up to 69%
Body hair is a lot like cologne. A little goes a long way. You see it on guys and you really see it on woman.A double standard? Maybe. But that's the way it is, and if you're of the hairier persuasion, as some of us are, you're no doubt familiar with some of the more common, if not painful ways to get rid of body hair.
You know the areas where body hair is most embarrassing. On men it's the back, arms, neck, posterior, feet and buttocks, though some men like to preserve a little body hair on the chest. For women it's, well, pretty much every area where body hair sprouts up other than the genital region. Even then, some women prefer this area to be free of growth.
Body hair removal methods tend to be area specific. Waxing a back, for example, is extremely time consuming (and more than a little awkward) when done with a home kit. You shouldn't use a depilatory cream on your eyebrow for fear the chemicals would drip into your eye.
And um, electrolysis to reduce pubic hair? Ouch!
Introducing the Natural Hair Inhibitor
Fortunately, there's another way to get rid of unwanted body hair and wear the clothes you like (or not wear if you prefer) without fear of embarrassing growth or stubble.A natural hair growth inhibitor is, as the description implies, designed to reduce body hair during its anagen, or growth phase, before it sprouts up. It's not a hair reduction method, rather, it's a prevention system designed for use after an epilation or depilation-based hair removal treatment like waxing or shaving.
In particular, it's designed to:
- inhibit growth within the follicle
- thin out existing growth
- substantially reduce the need to shave or wax
Reduce Body Hair By Up to 69%?
Yup, it's possible. The secret's in the formula, and specifically, with three key active ingredients that make a natural hair inhibitor of interest to anyone who'd like to thin out existing growth or simply to get rid of it to the point that shaving may not even be necessary while using the product.Decelerine is a topical compound derived from lauric acid, which can be found in coconut and palm kernel oil. Studies show that a 3% concentration of this active ingredient can reduce the need to shave or perform depilation-based hair removal on female legs by up to 82%.
Another hair inhibitor, Telocapil, is proven to seek out and discourage the tyrokinase activity of the IGF-1 receptor during which body hair is in its anagen phase. This is when it's most susceptible to prevention. A 2% concentration of Telocapil is linked to reduced body hair in 93% of clients who use it.
And that reduction of body hair by up to 69%. That's Pilisoft LS7590, a botanical derivative of gymnema sylvestre. Pilisoft reduces phosphodiesterase activity, which in turn is linked to higher levels of cAMP and discouraged growth of hirsuteness on areas to which it's applied. In a recent study, Pilisoft reduced follicular activity of unwanted body hair by, yes, 69%.
Ideally, a hair growth inhibitor should have all three of these proven ingredients that prevent unwanted body hair before it sprouts up.
Stop Grow By Skinception
Fortunately, these ingredient each play a prominent role in Stop Grow's success. And combined with further active ingredients, including Allantoin and DI Panthenol, this makes Stop Grow one of the most convenient and effective ways to get rid of unwanted body hair.While it's important to be realistic when trying a natural hair growth inhibitor – after all, body hair is persistent and you've probably tried more than a few products that promised but didn't deliver – reports coming in from clients using Stop Grow are very encouraging. And because it's backed by an industry-leading 90 day money-back guarantee, this could make Stop Grow the leading hair growth inhibitor for many years to come.
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